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DVDShrinkSupport: Common Issues

Since development of DVD Shrink has been stopped in 2005 it cannot circumvent current copy protections schemes which may manifest in these errors/error messages:
To remove such protections do a complete backup of such media to your HDD with (use Google):
and then use Shrink to encode it as usual.
First of all DVD Shrink is a transcoder to shrink movie DVDs, using the Nero engine for automatic burning is just a bonus. Having said that, DVD Shrink works under Vista but Nero only from version 7.x and higher. If you insist on using bloatware but can't get it to work, uninstall both Shrink and Nero and reinstall (not just copy over exes!) Nero before DVD Shrink. After that make sure that Edit > Preferences > File I/O > Enable burning with Nero is checked.
If that still doesn't work as well as nothing on this list use free Imgburn which is an advancement of the DVD Decrypter burning engine and uses the same command set. Therefore if want to keep automatic burning and have DVD Decrypter installed on your machine you can copy over 'ImgBurn.exe' and rename it to 'DVDDecrypter.exe' so Shrink uses it with 'ISO Image File and burn with DVD Decrypter' selected as your backup target. Alternatively use the hacked DVD Shrink with ImgBurn.
Of course you can also simply output to ISOs and manually add them to ImgBurn's queue. In case your HDD is still formatted with FAT32 instead of NTFS, DVD Shrink will bypass the 4 GB filesize limit automatically by outputting to multipart ISO (.i00, .i01, .i02, .mds) which mds can be burned with ImgBurn.
Aparently DVD Shrink does not support command line parameters except for opening a DVD so if you wanna use it in your media center without a keyboard use autoplay, cmdDVDShrink or DVD Rip. In case you wanna encode several DVDs in a row unattended use MultiShrink.
DVD Shrink apparently works on Vista/Win 7, however some people have reported problems such as:
To counter these problems try to run it in compatibilty mode (try Windows98/ME or XP) and/or add it to the DEP exception list as explained here and here.
Put DVD Shrink 3.2.exe in Win95/98/ME compatibility mode (Properties > Compatibility). Alternatively stop using beta software on a productive system or better yet, get a decent, standards compliant browser.
If you require further information about a topic not covered in any of these sites, or if you wish to make a suggestion or report a bug, or have anything to say at all, then please visit one of the following sites: